Monday, January 5, 2009

Legacy Capital: Welcome Back to Leap Forward for 2009

So we are nearly there. The last mile...
My new book, Legacy Capital: The Driving Force of the American Dream is at the printer.  We are reviewing the proofs, checking them twice. Right before we run the presses. Ready to ship for Feb-2009 (Black History Month).
Now that I've written the book. I have to brand, market and sell it. But for you, it's free! (click here)
Please take a look and provide feedback on the Legacy Capital web site.
This book is great. It hits home on a hot topic.
To help get the word out, I would greatly appreciate your help to build our online community.  Feel free to join and promote your latest projects. Please add your video, documents and weekly commentary to the site.  Join some groups- have fun (in a business sort of way).  Just be sure to add our URLs to your web site.  Focus on your area of expertise, and we'll share some great BUZZ.
Thanks for your support.

Victor Lloyd Smith

Millennium Lyon Asset Management

Phone:    917-653-4406

Fax:        888-802-8170


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