Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FYI: An Invitation Only Call with Sean Hanlon, Hanlon Investment Management (Tues 09/18/09)



Conference Call


An Invitation Only Call with

Sean Hanlon, CFP®

Chairman, CEO, and Chief Investment Officer


Market Update - Where Do We Go From Here?




We cordially invite you to participate in a telephone conference call on Tuesday, August 18, 2009, at 1:00 Eastern, presented by Sean Hanlon, CFP®, Chairman, CEO,  and Chief Investment Officer of Hanlon Investment Management.  The title of the discussion is  "Market Update - Where Do We Go From Here?"



Please dial in to 1 (866) 294-4838, Alternate number 1 (847) 944-7303 and enter the following information when asked:


            Passcode:  7550247#

            Host Name:     Sean Hanlon

            Company Name:  Hanlon Investment Management 



There will be a question and answer session toward the end of the call.  You may also email questions in advance of the call to and we will answer those questions during the call, time permitting.


We look forward to your participation on Tuesday, August 18, 2009, at 1:00 Eastern.


Thank you,


Hanlon Investment Management 

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