Thursday, September 17, 2009

FYI: Network FORUMS- Thursday, September 24th @ 6:30pm NEW LOCATION!!!

Dear Friends,


"From Garden City to The BIG City"

 We are excited to introduce one of our newest affiliates - Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials - New York Chapter (COMTO-NY) and our September Network FORUM expanded location at One Penn Plaza,

New York, NY.  Please find an invitation to an intimate networking event we are sponsoring/hosting in New York City.  If it's possible for you to attend, we look forward to getting to know you and the chance of us working together in the near future.  Please forward to those that may be interested. 

Best Regards, Marion.



SSSe, Inc. 2009 Network FORUMS


Doing Business w/ State, City, Local Govrernment Agencies,

 Private Sectors & Each Other " 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

6:30pm - 8:30pm



Please RSVP ASAP!!!

(Your names must be on the Guest List in order to enter the building!) 



Marion Coke

Director, Clientele Satisfaction

SSSe, Inc.

Satisfaction Support Services Enterprise, Incorporated.

516.LET.SSSE/538.7773 (direct)

877.859.7476 (fax)


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NOTE: SSSe, Inc. is an independent and separate entity from its co-sponsors and affiliates. 


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