Saturday, March 22, 2008

WFG Convention of Champions (Mar.2008)

WFG Convention Notes (Mar.2008)

Buy these books
- Attracting the Perfect Customer
- Stop the 401k Ripoff
- Unlimited Referrals

Focus on service to others:
'How may I serve you'
Focus on Recruiting then Client
1 - The Recruit (10 min interview)

IAI New 401k plans
pensions, 401k, 403b, Solo401k, SEP
(w/ Roth provision)
see fees on
- focus on biz owners: save $250k yr
- 401k+Roth, Solo-401k, Defined benefits plan for business groups
- tax deductions, tax protected growth

IAI - CPA solicitor program avail in NY
NY (home state) client business only
- 8 other states can have CPA, CFA recruits without licensing
- More info to start CPA program:

Fast Start IAI Recruits (2wks)
IAI new recruits can get S65 - U10, U4
- no sponsor firm req
- U10 first paper doc. Pass test.
- Then U4 filing via IAI
- ($159)
- $75 practice S65 ipod

IAI Recruiting
- get someone from each generation
- promote recurring passive income
- Do you have an Annual recurring income? Starting when? 1yr
- 6 money mgrs (electronic apps)
- give yourself 1-2yr to get foundation income stream
- cobrand for IAI, WFG, Innergy (connect new recruits)
- Key Goals Balance (track progress)
1.Spiritual 2.Family
3.Personal 4.Business
- Complete Financial Plan (Dream Map)
Key 5 steps. Special focus on
Debt Management, Investments, Income Building

IAI Standards
- 50 appointments/mos
- Hire 10 assoc/mos
- Save 25 percent income
- Personal financial success
- Honesty, Integrity everything we do

Formula For Success
- 1 mortgage mos
- 2 client apts day
- 3 new prospects day
- 4 recruits wk
- 8 business apps (trades) mos
- 10 min team recruits mos
- 20k points per mos
- 30 calls/day

12 Month Plan
- 4 recruits a month
- Everybody helps 1 family/week
- Everybody runs the plan

Wealth Transfer Stats
Dr. Dan Scheiver (Boston Inst Wealth)
- $52 Trillion (final wealth xfer)
- underlying intervivos wealth is huge
$173 Trillion growing
- growth, allocation, tax protection
- manage funds left to charity
- combine purpose/moral compass + capacity.
- Clients to discern the best purpose, clarify moral compass for investments. How to increase capacity for what they love.
- New Physics for Wealth & Care
- Moral Biography: Capacity + Care

Asset Mgmt Strategy
- Bear mkt, Stagflation, Recession
- 8% to 10% inflation
- 2yr downturn to 2010
- Defensive strategy: commodities, hard assets, fixed income
- make $$$ in bad times, dwn mkts
- Longterm growth: BRIC

WFG Debt Strategy
Financial Freedom Network
no-licencing required. referral commissions

New WFG/IAI Systems
- Dream Map financial planning software
- Integrated CRM - customer resource management system
- Electronic provider applications, autosend (with client electronic signature)
- Laserfiche, eDoc system req for Branch file record keeping: WFG/IAI

Business Builder Mentality
- Recruiter - Meetings
- Fast Start - Team Builder
- Mission Focus
- Abundance Mentality
(not Scarcity Mentality)

Leader Actions
- Remove negative influences
- Make new contacts daily
- 10 calls b4 12noon
- 12 appts in WFG target mkt. 2/day
- Book appts 1-2wks in advance
- 10 confirmed attendees per BPM

Prospecting Tips
- No means 'not yet'
- Attitude: It's their lucky day for me to contact them (target mkt)
- DRIP repeat contacts, calls, updates
- Send clean color copies of mkt materials to contacts, team member
- Referrals from new hires/recruits
- make a personal, emotional connection. Measure POTENTIAL and COMMITMENT in each client & recruit
- Invite more people every week

Top Priorities for Successful Business
- Recruit
- Sell
- Build Leaders

Steps to Character Strength Leadership Steps for Winners
- Temporary Enthusiasm
- Commitment (overcome obstacles)
- Conviction (knowing truth, mission)

Lead from the Front. Do it first!

WFG Today (Leadership Focus)
- Absolute Confidence
- Pride
- Desire to Compete
- Be Bold, Aggressive
- Team & Home Office Support

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