Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WED Night Conference Call 9:25PM EDT [BILLION DOLLAR NOVEMBER 2008]


Hello Everyone!


We are having a special conference call with entire Tom Mathews Team


Wednesday 9th.  9:25 pm.  (218) 486-1300   Bridge # 836379


Guest Speaker: Tom Mathews

                           Jason Tyne


The following topics will be covered.


Ø  May 14th & 15th Event

o   Economic Summit

o   CPE

o   High net worth client luncheon with Paul Dietrich


Ø  Goals for 2008

o   Billion Dollar November


Ø  Sales Mastery University

o   Jason Tyne & Craig Cushman


Please pass it on to your team.





Victor Smith





Bringing Concepts of the Wealthy to Middle America








Hello Everyone!


We are having a special conference call with entire Tom Mathews Team


Wednesday 9th.  9:25 pm.  (218) 486-1300   Bridge # 836379


Guest Speaker: Tom Mathews

                           Jason Tyne


The following topics will be covered.


Ø  May 14th & 15th Event

o   Economic Summit

o   CPE

o   High net worth client luncheon with Paul Dietrich


Ø  Goals for 2008

o   Billion Dollar November


Ø  Sales Mastery University

o   Jason Tyne & Craig Cushman


Please pass it on to your team.





Dutch Aufderheide





Bringing Concepts of the Wealthy to Middle America







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