Monday, April 28, 2008

WFG-NY Management Team Summary [04/26/08]

Hi Team,
Here is the meeting summaries for the last WFG Management Team Meeting.
WFG-NY  Management Team Summary
Date:    04/26/08
Topic:   Business Building Events
Highlight Notes:   
  • Paul Deitrich Economic Summit: Investing During a Recession: 
    • Focus on IAI launch in NYC
    • Target Date:  Tues 06/03/2008 (6:30pm) 
    • Attendees:     500 min
    • Location:        TBD (await feedback and prices)
  • Long Island WFG/IAI Re-Launch:
    • Focus on CPAs, Mortgage Brokers, Realtors  
    • Attendees:     200 min
    • Target Date:  TBD
    • Location:        Hempstead, Long Island Marriot (at Nassau Collesium)
  • Eric Jensen - CPA Summit Luncheon:
    • Focus on CPAs (using Retirement Plans: Pensions, 401k, 403b)
    • Attendees:     100 min
    • Target Date:  TBD
    • Location:        Hempstead, Long Island Marriot (at Nassau Collesium)
  • Resources to implement the meetings:
    • Project Finances:
      • $3,000 committed byt management team ($1,000 each: Winston, Erick, Victor)
    • Marketing Resources:
      • Reuse flyers from Atlanta team
      • Include all NYC Metro area WFG offices (start with Fradel Barber, Jay Maymi, West B'way) 
      • Career Web Sites
    • Advertising Resources:
      • Local Radio
      • Business Networks: Online & Offline
      • Career Web Sites
      • Personal Contacts  (PDA downloads)
      • Churches
      • Cable TV/Newspaper
      • Online Magazines (Crains, NY Biz Report etc)
      • Press Releases
    • Event Brochure (online & hardcopy)
      • Use event sponsors to help defray costs (local businesses, WFG/IAI advisors)
      • Sell copies onsite for $5  or $10
      • This sub-project will be headed by Celeste Morris (Winston to supervise)
    • Key Tools for Economic Summit:
      • Online Registration Website and database [Name, Phone, Email, Address, Referrer, Financial Questions].  Could use
      • Include code for each WFG agent
      • Include name of referrer
      • Invite Flyers and Cards [1,000 per WFG team member, coded with Name/Agent Code]
      • Onsite Registration: require contact info and/or business card.
      • Feedback form: Use the WFG BPM cards (yellow contct/feedback form).  These need to be ordered, printed ASAP!
Action Steps [Owner]:   
  • [Erick]: Confirm availability for Baruch Auditorium (school theatre or business library)
  • [Victor]: Confirm availability for Polytech Dibner Bldg Auditorium, BMCC Theatre
  • [Winston]: Confirm availability for Brooklyn Law Auditorium
  • [Winston]:  Get "official" copies of WFG/IAI event flyers, invites from Dutch/Tom - Atlanta team
  • Previous action items
    • [ALL]:  Individually invite 100 people to each BPM.  Locations (Brooklyn-NYC, Hempstead-LI) 
    • [Victor]:  Order 5000 WFG contact, referral BPM cards
    • [Winston]:  Order 2000 Info Packets (hand out to attendees)
    • [Victor, Erick]:  Complete Mortgage Division offer to Anthony Davenport

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